+254 728 604 471 / +254 711 266 993
Email : info@cocovita.co.ke
Cold pressed to give you clean and all natural oil. Buy it from our shop and enjoy the benefits.
Moisturizing & nourishing, prevents wrinkles and stretchmarks
Manage skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, healthy gums and teeth.
For healthy meals: shallow fry, bake and salad dressing.
Uzima Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is carefully cold processed, preserving all vital nutrients, bringing you a powerful superfood and beauty powerhouse with antiviral, antifungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Our coconut based, natural baby oils are gentle skin moisturizers ideal to help relieving nappy rash and to give a relaxing massage to your baby. Made entirely with extra virgin coconut oil that has been carefully cold pressed to give you the best quality on the market.